Most domestic wells are 6 inches in diameter. The drilling process begins with an 8-inch borehole reaching at least 10′ into bedrock. We attach a drive shoe to a 6-inch diameter steel well casing. We use enough casing to reach at least 10′ into bedrock with 18 inches exposed above ground. The drive shoe creates a seal in the bedrock, and the casing will keep surface water and sand out of the well.
The depth of a well will vary depending on the area that you’re drilling in and the water table in that area. The average well is 330 feet deep, but there are many factors involved in determining how deep your well should go. These factors include the geology and underground water levels of the specific area. Our drilling technician can get a good idea of how deep the well will need to be by examining your property. The average well depth for your area, the geology, and other factors. If, after our initial drilling, there is still plenty of water available for your family’s needs, then the drilling can end. If there is not enough water, we will continue drilling until we find a suitable water source.
Water Well Pricing & Estimates
We will be happy to meet with you and discuss the two price options we offer for drilling a well which are listed here:
- By the Foot Pricing
- Package Pricing with Limits
What Is Hydro-Fracture?
Hydro-Fracture is often used to improve or find water in low-yield or dry wells. The process involves equipment placed at different depths in the well. Water pressure is then used to open new or existing water veins to increase water production. Our success rate for this is 98%. This procedure will need our certified well driller. Be assured that your water well is being drilled by someone with experience. Our drillers have drilling experience ranging from 12 to 35 years.
Top Quality Water Well Drilling Service
Are you ready to lower your high water bills? Then choose the trusted professionals of Richardson Wells & Pumps to install your top-quality water well. We have been serving Central & Eastern Mass, Rhode Island, and Northern Connecticut since 1973. We are highly skilled in the complex geological formations of the region. We have happy, satisfied customers throughout our service area. Contact Richardson Wells & Pumps for your water well project. We always do quality work with excellent service.
We always use the best materials for every job we complete. We provide hard work and personalized service. We create water wells with expert drilling services. Our water well-drilling company works with our local inspectors to make sure all work exceeds the minimal codes.
Details Of Our Water Well Drilling Service Include:
- Site evaluations
- Free written estimates
- Research on other water wells in your geographical area
- We will help with well-permit applications
- New well construction; deepening and maintenance on existing wells
- Quality work
- Communication with the work on the well and site preparation